Optimise Your Workforce With On-Site Expert Consultation
The cost to an organisation that hasn’t optimised their workforce is huge, especially in contact centres, back-office and retail businesses. Call Design has a well-established consulting arm that helps businesses pivot the performance of their workforce by understanding the culture, dynamics and technologies that power the workplace.
As a team, we transcend from enterprise-level businesses through to small and mid-tiered companies seeking to use industry best practices, the latest in technology advancement and human capital to take your organisation from where it is today, to where you want it to be in the future.
Consulting to optimise my workforce
When a Call Design expert comes in to help optimise your workforce, we’ll begin by conducting a thorough assessment of the current state of play. We work on-site and hand-in-hand with your team to ensure that we obtain an accurate picture of where the business is relative to where you need to be. We examine many elements of your business including staff performance, quality processes, the technology deployed, automation and analytics. We interview key stakeholders to gather their views to complete the story. This process allows us to set a solid baseline of where you are and what you need to do to optimise your operations.
This is the benefit of our four-step workforce optimisation consultation process. With this foundation, we work with you to execute our comprehensive process for optimisation.
So what exactly is our four-step process, and how will it benefit you?
All improvements for the future must first start by assessing the past and present. The “as-is” state of your business is very important to us. It helps us ascertain which of your current practices are vital to the running of the business, and where your workforce optimisation program might be missing the mark. Through a series of workshops and consultation sessions, we’ll be in a position to understand your “to-be” state – what you wish to achieve – and can begin working towards it.
In Step 2, the Design Phase, Call Design experts will develop a workforce optimisation approach that meets the needs of your business. In addition to putting together an end-to-end workforce optimisation plan, we will also facilitate workshops to determine and design a WFO process at a high level and document the key process requirements. It is also critical that we agree on your desired KPIs, so this step ends with a clear evaluation of the operational impact and change management this plan will require.
Here we begin to put in place the key changes required to meet the outlined KPIs. This involves the implementation of all agreed WFO processes, coordinating essential training on any new software, and a myriad of other tasks both large and small. Change management is a major component of Step 3, and Call Design will be working closely with you and your managers to assist with the new process adoption.
Installing new processes without reviewing their effectiveness could undermine the entire effort, which is why Step 4 of Call Design’s WFO consulting is all about improving effectiveness, efficiency and reinforcing adoption.
We remain involved after our recommendations have been integrated to ensure that all new changes and supporting tools are working as they were intended, and that staff have the support they need to feel confident in their use. We provide reports on all changes made to maintain strict documentation quality and transparent communication.
Call Design’s Contact Centre Consulting Can Help to Optimise Your Business
Here at Call Design, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality workforce optimisation solutions to organisations around the world, but we’re even prouder of our service. Since 1999, we’ve worked hard to build strong and trusted relationships with our clients. Our expert team has a focus on approachability, and we work tirelessly to ensure that any new solution adopted through Call Design perfectly fits into your business culture.
With our blend of consultation, on-site training and after-service care, we’re confident that Call Design is the right choice for your workforce optimisation needs.