Empower your staff with our suite of training services
Are your staff as good as they can be? Call Design’s training courses can give your team the tools they need to set the gold standard. Empowered staff are the best investment you could ever make, and training is a vital part of this equation. Investing the time and care in training your workforce planners and team leaders, will reap dividends in return. Call Design’s training services can bring your staff up to speed on how to best use your technology as well as current industry best practice.

Essentials Courses
Learn the principles and practical skills that are essential for all workforce optimisation initiatives regardless of your role. Find out which course would work best for you.

Alvaria WFM
Call Design employs some of the most experienced Alvaria WFM experts in the world. We understand how to configure the system to get the most out of it and how to ensure you understand how to use all the modules. We take the time to understand your requirements and your level of knowledge to ensure we teach you exactly what you need.

Customised Training
At Call Design we understand that “one size doesn’t necessarily fit all.” That is why we offer customised training courses to meet your specific business requirements, skill level and/or role.
Call DesignErlang Calculator
The Call Design Contact Centre Calculator allows you to input data relevant to your business needs and provides you with service level predictions, resourcing requirements, occupancy, and more.