Alvaria Workforce Scheduling Skills Assessment

This skill assessment focuses on validating and assessing your scheduler-specific knowledge of the Alvaria Workforce (formerly “Aspect WFM”) software.

This assessment covers all parts of the Alvaria Workforce software you would typically use to operate as a scheduler. This is a self-paced assessment.

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Related Assessments:

Alvaria Workforce Full Skills AssessmentAlvaria Workforce Forecasting Skills AssessmentAlvaria Workforce Real-time Skills Assessment
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Alvaria Workforce Scheduling Skills Assessment

This skill assessment focuses on validating and assessing your scheduler-specific knowledge of the Alvaria Workforce (formerly “Aspect WFM”) software.

This assessment covers all parts of the Alvaria Workforce software you would typically use to operate as a Scheduler. This is a self-paced assessment.

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Related courses:

Alvaria Workforce Full Skills AssessmentAlvaria Workforce Forecasting Skills AssessmentAlvaria Workforce Real-time Skills Assessment

What’s covered:

This skills assessment focuses on validating your knowledge of the Alvaria Workforce (formerly “Aspect WFM”) software, with a specific focus on the knowledge you would typically use as a scheduler within Alvaria Workforce.

In this self-paced assessment, you will answer questions from the following Alvaria Workforce modules to assess your capabilities:

  • Alvaria Introduction and Navigation
  • Configuration
  • Administration
  • Employee Administration
    • Scheduling – Basic, Preference & Template-based components
    • Tracking
    • Employee Datacenter

If you are looking for a more comprehensive assessment of all modules within Alvaria Workforce, we recommend you complete the Alvaria Workforce Full Skills Assessment instead.

Benefits for you and your team:

By doing this assessment, you’ll identify your strengths, and where you need training. Use your assessment report to provide your leader with a clear case for training. 97% of our learners agree that after completing our Alvaria training courses they feel they can do their job better.

If you’re a team leader, assessing your team could help you:

  • Identify clear training requirements and develop a strong rationale for training budgets.
  • Provide targeted training to drive your strategic outcomes and continuous improvement efforts.
  • Optimise succession planning within your team.
  • Identify candidates’ current technical skills in recruiting.

What you’ll receive:

Once you’ve completed the assessment, one of our Workforce Optimisation Consultants will review your assessment and provide you with a report. This customised report will provide you with:

  • A consultant’s summary outlining your areas of strength and areas of development.
  • An overview of your capabilities.
  • An in-depth analysis of each capability assessed.
  • Recommendations to assist in your training and development.

View the sample Skills Assessment Report.

Sample Skills Assessment Report

Sample Skills Assessment Report

What’s next?

After purchasing our skills assessment we’ll send you an email with instructions and login details to our LMS.

Complete the assessment at a time that suits you.

One of our Workforce Optimisation Consultants will review your assessment and provide you with a customised report including a summary of your capabilities, strengths, and areas of improvement.

Book For Yourself Or Your Team Now!

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